Sunday, January 24, 2010

Final Preparations

Final preparations occurred at today's meeting.

Each of the teams met to discuss what is necessary to prepare for what is ahead.

The different teams include: the surgical team, the village medical clinic team, the construction team, the vacation Bible school (VBS) team, and the logistics team.


  1. I am a new member to this team. I believe God sent me to use my talents in anyway possible. I can't wait for February 4th to come. See you in Belize!

  2. It is comforting and encouraging knowing that many are following our progress through this blog.

    As part of the surgery team, I join returning surgery team members Drs. Kerschner, Logeman, and Mangat, Jennifer Longo surgery scheduler, and Jeff Taylor nurse anesthetist, plus other wonderful, willing and talented missionaries in serving as God's hands and feet. We have been greatly blessed with education, comfort, prosperity, and security - sharing these few days together blesses us AND our Belizean brethren.

    I ask for your prayers in safety for our travels, safety for our patients, creativity as we face unexpected situations, and joy as we recognize that with God all things are possible.

    Nancy Griffin, RN
